Global Skiing Podcast
The Global Skiing Podcast was created by Tom Gellie in order to share the ideas and thoughts of some of the best technical skiers and instructors from around the globe. Listen in to gain insight and knowledge on training, technical concepts, stories, creative ideas, and more.
Global skiing episode 1 - Reilly McGlashan
In this interview I talk with Reilly McGlashan, two time Australian Demo Team Member. Reilly Works out of Aspen Colorado and Thredbo Australia so follows winter all year round. He works as both an Instructor and Instructor Trainer and sets himself apart from others with his very strong and dynamic technical style. Before you check out the Podcast be sure to check out his YouTube channel to get an understanding of how well this guy skis. Reilly Demo Team Training 2014
We get onto such topics as Reilly's Back injury and overcoming that hurdle, creative training methods, using tempo and a metronome as a tool, what the best world cup skiers are doing and more. Enjoy
Global skiing episode 2 - Paul Lorenz
In this interview I talk with Paul Lorenz. Paul is one of the strongest and most disciplined skiers I have ever had the pleasure of skiing with. The most standout quality Paul demonstrates is his ability to adapt. Paul can mimick almost any other skier on the mountain and demonstrate all sorts of skiing styles and techniques. Two time Demo Team member, Level 4 examiner, Ski School Director and first ever non-Japanese person to compete in the Japanese technical championships, Paul is up there with the best. I hope you enjoy this interesting conversation and gain some new ideas and insight into improving your own skiing.
Before you listen make sure you check out his Youtube Channel and gain an understanding of how solid this guy is on snow. Paul's Youtube Channel