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Typically Structural Integration is performed over ten individual sessions. This consists of 10 sessions lasting 60-80 minutes which are designed to balance your body in segments with each session addressing a different aspect of your structure and movement. For example one session's goal is to lengthen the front half of your torso. Another is to free the shoulders from the torso. The results become cumulative as each session adds to the results of the previous session. The amount of time between sessions varies and is determined on an individual basis. The average spacing between the sessions is generally one to three weeks apart. The process begins with a consultation to understand your goals as well as a brief exploration of your health and personal history to help guide the process. You will be observed as you stand and move to assess your levels of balance, alignment, and posture. Pressure is applied to your body in a systematic way incorporating a variety of techniques including slow, deep stretching strokes. The fascia begins to unwind and the strain patterns release their hold on the body. You may be asked to breath into a particular area or to make subtle coordinated movements in response to the pressure. The pressure of the manipulations combined with your attention and responses help to facilitate release and realignment of your body’s segments.





















There is no problem with just doing one session. If you are curious or skeptical, trying out a single session is the best way to go. You will know if it is going to be of benefit immediately after the first visit. The first session of Structural Integration covers a lot of the body including, chest, arms, neck, back, hips and thighs. Clients typically feel energised and looser following the first session. The benefits of the ten series are definitely cummulative and more holistic the more you do. Talk with Tom as to your individual case.



After the ten series it is good to wait a period of time to allow the changes to your structure to be integrated. This period can be anywhere from a few months up to a year or even longer. The benefits of the ten series often lasts years especially if you choose to utilise your new movement and posture. You may want to come in for a tune up after an accident, a serious event happening in life or to prepare for a sporting competition. Many atheletes use Structural Integration as a way of staying balanced, mobile and efficient in their chosen sport.



Typcially photos are taken before and after a treatment session. This helps to bring awareness to what has shifted and changed in alignment within the body. Long lasting effects and changes in the body become the responsibility of the individual post session work. Showing exactly how structural integration has made a difference is a huge part of making this change stick. Photos are only taken if you are ok with it.

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