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Mobility, flexibility and motor control are of major importance in all physical activities. Whether you are a professional athlete, outdoor enthusiast, or weekend warrior. If you want to take your chosen sport to another level, rehabilitate an injury or find a more efficient way to move Functional Body can take you there. 


There are a number of reasons why Structural Integration can help you increase your performance and efficiency:

  • Structural Integration focuses on freeing movement and mobility in the shoulder girdle and hips. The two power engines of the body.

  • Structural Integration aims to balance the muscles and tone of the body front to back, side to side, top to bottom and inside to out. This creates a body that is balanced, has more potential energy and freedom of movement.

  • Core. It seems today core is a buzz word that is used whenever people talk about the body and sports. However most people depict the core as the Bruce Lee six pack look. A truly strong and balanced core involves more than Rectus Abdominus (the six pack) and includes deeper muscles. The deeper spinal muscles, the Psoas, Quadratus Lumborum, the Pelvic floor and many other muscles. Structural Integration aims to differentiate the core from the sleeve or the outer muscles so you can really find power and grace in your movement. Often the six pack muscle is over used and inhibits these deeper muscles from working properly.

  • When tissue is injured or not called for movement often it can become denser and dried up. Important bodily fluids do not hydrate and nourish these layers so they become less mobile. Working with this tissue helps open it up and rehydrate it so it can be more supple. Think of a dry sponge in your laundry and how it feels and then how it would feel after you soaked it in water. 

  • Motor control or how your brain connects with muscles is key in gaining performance in your chosen activity. Successful motor control is crucial to interacting with the world, not only determining action capabilities, but regulating balance and stability as well. Structural Integration is an education process that helps the nervous system connect with muscles and joints. Through practitioner and client interaction new ways to move can be taught and experienced. This is by hands on touch and awareness brought to particular areas. If you've ever wondered why one side of your body was more co-ordinated than the other and you couldn't figure out why.......then structural integration is a way of finding out that difference and learning how to bring it into balance. 

  • Tissue in the body gets tacked and knotted together through injuries, overuse, inefficient movement patterns and also from a lack of movement (sitting at your desk everyday?). Structural Integration aims to free up this tissue and differentiate muscles in the body. This means muscles can work efficiently and independently from others as they are not tied in as one bundle or mass.

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