Is it for me?
I have Chronic pain
Structural Integration can help alleviate and take care of chronic pain and discomfort in the body. You may have been to other health professionals but come away with dissapointing results or unsure as to what causes the pain. Often chronic pain in areas like the neck and back are symptoms of poor postural alignment and compensations in the body. Old injuries can hang around long after they occured. Scar tissue and compensatory movements linger in the body and make themselves known through aches and pains. If you are frustrated with not knowing why you have chronic pain message Tom to talk about your individual case.
I am desk bound for most of my day
The human body is not designed to sit around at a desk for many hours of the day. Your body however will adapt to this demand and muscles and soft tissue will shift in order to compensate for this position. Therefore you will be adapted to the desk postition. When you decide to play tennis, go for a run or play with your children your body is not well aligned to deal with these different demands and positions.
I workout regularly but have limited physical range of movement
If you want to feel fit but also mobile then combining Structural Integration with your workout can reap fantastic results. If you don't have full range of motion in your joints then the body will find it difficult to recruit all the muscles needed to perform the movement efficiently. A great example is the squat. If you can keep your feet pointed straight ahead, knees aligned over feet, back straight and not collapse in the waist then you have good mobility. If any of these things is not easy and stretching doesn't help you need to address fascial restrictions in the body.
I want to feel better in my body
Improving how your body functions and improving your posture is a great way to feel good about yourself. When you stand with good posture it presents a positive image to those around you. Good posture and alignment also balances the pelvis and head with greater ease making you look taller and slimmer. What feels normal and functional to you could be dramatically changed.
I am an Athlete
Athletic performance was the main reason Functional Body owner Tom sought out Structural Integration. Having always stretched and stayed in good shape he was looking for the next step in order to improve his skiing. The Ten sessions gave Tom far greater awareness of his body and how to move efficiently and gracefully. It also gave him more mobility and symmetry in a sport that is very symmetrical. SI is also very effective at rehabilitating the body after injury or strain. See the video on the NFL team that uses SI/Rolfing to keep them in form.